Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Yasmin Mogahed's Talk on "A filtered Life" - My notes

Assalamualaikum! I have been on a "sleep mode" if you will. Lost in dunya for a while. So let's get back up again by reminding myself of what I have jotted down from the talk that I went past few weeks ago.

Let's start!

The life of today is consumed with how you appear to people in life. Big cars, branded stuff, cool holidays and the list goes on. We can't even eat a burger without taking a picture and posting it on social media. It is as if whatever we do isn't official yet if we haven't posted it on social media. As if life doesn't happen if it's not on full display.

3 types of relationships affected with increase usage of social media
1. Effect with yourself (Psychological)
2. Effect with others (Social)
3. Effect with Creator (Spiritual)

Having FB/IG/Snapchat isn't haram, however having an unhealthy relationship with social media will affect us psychologically.

Studies have shown that with increase usage of social media;
1. Increase of depression
2. Increase of loneliness
3. Increase of social comparison
4. Increase of anxiety
5. Increase of envy

Which is ironic since the main goal of social media is to feel more connected with people, but studies have shown that with increase usage of social media, the more disconnected they feel, the more isolated and lonely they feel.

Interaction with social media can be active and passive.

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