Monday, September 2, 2019

Fitnah, A warning to Slanderers & Backbiters" By Sheikh Dr Muhammad Salah - What Did I learn?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh!

Alhamdulillah I attended the talk (2 Sep 2019) about slandering and backbiting. And honestly I'm so scared! It seems small and done casually (membawang in Malaysia) but it is a major sin!

Backbiting= talk bad about someone behind their backs (even if it is true)
Slander= talk bad about someone behind their backs (it is false)

People who are backbiting/slander are only hurting themselves. Why? Because on the day of Judgement, they will be bankrupt (muflis). When we backbite/slander/hurt somebody's feelings/spread rumours, the person will take ALL of our good deeds. And if we don't have any good deeds left, they will put their sins onto us. Astaghfirullah

We are all held accountable for our attitudes, actions, say and gestures. We should also avoid having negative assumptions. When we have negative assumptions, it can cause unnecessary fights/ assume the worst and burden of the heart.

Backbiting is worse than eating the flesh of the dead person. What about people who backbites about you? They would have to give their good deeds to you. So don't worry too much about people talking behind your back.

What should we do if someone is backbiting with us?
1. Stop the act of backbiting
2. Defend the honor of the person
And if all fails
3. Leave the place

"Whoever defends the flesh of his brother from backbiting, it will be a duty upon Allah to free him from the hellfire"

How to repent from backbiting?
Haha, I used to think that's what I had to do, but I never did it.

1. Sincere taubat
2. Truly regret of the actions
3. Defend the person's honor
4. Make dua to Allah to ask forgiveness for that person.

I hope you have had some benefit from this post. InsyaAllah

I would appreciate it if you could give some feedback on my writings for me to improve. Thanks!

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