Thursday, August 15, 2019

"The Journey" by Ustaz Don Daniyal, Ayesha Syahira and PU Azman from Miraj Festival

15 August 2019

Alhamdulillah I was given a chance to attend this forum/ talk hosted by Miraj Festival ( and it was their first event. What I'm sharing is a gist of what I learned and I hope that whoever reading this may benefit from it. I hope what I'm saying will make sense since I'm kind of a lousy note taker. LOL

The first talk was given by Ustaz Don Daniyal. He was talking about the story of Isra' Mikraj and about Ibrahim a.s. The gist of it is among all of the prophets, Ibrahim a.s had wafa' mentioned in the Quran which can be translated as whole/obedience. He said "Hasbi Allah" (Allah is enough for me). Whatever Allah commands, he follows. No questions asked.

The second talk is by Ayesha Syahira.
"Success is not about the destination, but it is about the journey"
She tells the story of Balqis and Sulaiman. What can be learned from this story of Balqis and Sulaiman communication wise? The way Sulaiman approched Balqis in dakwah. He wrote a letter and started with Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. He reached out to Balqis by emphasizing about Allah being merciful and asked her to stop worshipping fire and to turn to Allah instead. We can learn from this story that when we want to bring people back to Islam, do it so in a lovingly manner and not judge while condemning people. Nowadays we tend to be a "Haraam police" instead of teaching people to love Allah first.

PU Azman talked about Mus'ab bin Umair, the sahabah of Rasulullah s.a.w. He was from a wealthy family with status and all the glitz and glam of the era. When he embraced Islam, he let go of all the riches and fame for akhirah. During perang uhud, he died as a shahid. He was one of the first from a wealthy family to embrace Islam. We can learn from his story is about jihad in today's era.

It's 1am and I'm kinda sleepy. Maybe I'll add in some more tomorrow.

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