Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Divine Connection- Finding Self Worth in God-My notes

 The Divine Connection- Finding Self Worth in God

Talk By Yasmin Mogahed

These are my notes. Hope they are beneficial to anyone reading this.

What does Taqwa mean? Does it only mean Fear Allah swt?Taqwa is not rooted in oppression. Rather it is rooted in love. The meaning of fear in this context is being in fear with the idea of being disconnected from the one we love, a fear of not wanting to displease Him.

The more we love Allah swt, the more we don’t want to be disconnected from Allah swt.

Taqwa is sheilding ourselves from the displeasure of Allah swt. It actually benefits us when we follow what Allah swt tells us what to do. 

“Let everyone know what did they have prepared for Tomorrow (Hereafter)”

What is self worth?

From the world perspective-Caste, Wealth, Influence, Power, number of followers, Looks, Weight etc

In cultures, as women, self worth is taught to be a role as a mother or as a wife. As if you’re only half a human being until you get married/have a child.

Wealth-If we don’t have money, does it mean we don’t have self worth? No

Self worth will always be unstable when people pun their self worth on things.

We do not get our worth from people.

Our relationship with our Creator is our self worth.

All human beings are slaves. Everyone.

Enslave to Allah swt- Dignifying myself from being a slave to any other thing

Slave to- Beauty standards, people, wealth etc

Humans have the potential to be the best, even better than angels.

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